Bitland Information Driver

  1. Bitland Information Driver Salary
  2. Bitland Information Driver Licence

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Device drivers and modules are similar in that they are both based on PE files. However, while each process has its own private list of loaded modules, device drivers have modules that are global to the system. Therefore, PSAPI has specific functions for obtaining the list of device drivers and their names.

You can retrieve the load address for each device driver by calling the EnumDeviceDrivers function. This function fills an array of LPVOID values with the load addresses of all device drivers in the system.

BitlandBitland Information Driver

Bitland Information Driver Salary

The GetDeviceDriverBaseName function takes a driver load address as input and fills in a buffer with the base name of the driver (for example, Win32k.sys). A related function, GetDeviceDriverFileName, takes the same parameters and returns the path to the device driver (for example, C:WindowsSystem32Win32k.sys).

Bitland Information Driver Licence


CategoriesLand Tenure
Market statusOn the market
TypesApp, Token, Protocol • Token (Cadastrals), App, Protocol (Oracle)
Action (Smart Contract)?Yes
ApplicationTo register land and real property ownership and use rights in a secure, easily-accessible electronic format to allow for timely access of ownership and rights information, and to educate people on the importance of strong property rights in the prosperity of the nation.
Traits (blockchain)Delegated Proof of Stake
Date/TimelineICO 2016
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